New Coverage Search tool to see the #1 best carrier in your area!Download Coverage Map now to see what carrier has the best service in your area (United States only). Coverage Map is a crowd-sourced map of the cellular networks. Compare coverage, data speeds, and performance on Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Dish, and UScellular.Coverage Map makes comparing coverage easy.▶ COVERAGE SEARCHSee what carrier is best in your area with our NEW Coverage Search tool.• Search for a state, county, city, or ZIP code• Instantly see a ranking of the best carriers in that area• Compare good, great, and poor coverage areas between carriers• See median download and upload speeds from real users• Save money with recommended cell phone plans▶ SPEED MAPThe Speed Map is a crowd-sourced map of the data speeds on each carrier. Use the Speed Map to see what carrier offers the fastest speeds in your area. Tap on any hexagon for more details, including download speeds, upload speeds, and latency.Compare speeds between carriers using advanced filters:• filter by carrier• filter by LTE/5G• filter by download speeds• filter by upload speeds• filter by your speed tests onlyYou can also color the map by the best, average, or median values for download speed, upload speed, or ping. The default, heat map, and Best Carrier color styles make it easy to see what carrier performs best in a given area.▶ SIGNAL STRENGTH MAPThe Signal Strength Map shows where each carrier has great, good, or poor coverage. The signal strength data comes from the FCC.▶ CARRIER COVERAGE MAPThe Carrier Coverage maps let you compare coverage among the different cellular carriers using data from the FCC.▶ MANAGE AND VIEW YOUR SPEED TESTSThe Speed Test tab is an elegant way to sort and view your speed tests. It aggregates all speed tests across different devices and speed testing apps and places them all in a convenient view. You can sort your speed tests by LTE or 5G, by download speed, or by upload speed. Tap on any speed test to see the full details.▶ LEADERBOARDEarn points for contributing speed tests.• compete with friends• compete on the national level• compete on the state level• new leaderboard winners every monthTerms of Use and Privacy Policy: